5 Types of students you will definitely find at your University

Your University years are full of uncertainty and different types of students.

You never know if you’ll succeed on that extremely challenging exam that everyone else appears to fail, if you’ll meet the love of your life at the annual Freshers Ball, or if you’ll be able to get out of bed the next day after that unforgettable Student Union night out with either one of these types of students.

You will undoubtedly sit next to at least one of these types of students in class, here we break down some of the characters so you can identify your pals! 

The Aspiring Comedian

Students who pride themselves on denying their adult status can be identified by the Aspiring Comedian, who symbolises them.

It’s likely that this individual is still the one who has uttered “That’s what she said” more often than you can recall. This person is always up for a joke, a sarcastic remark, or some friendly banter with the lecturer.

You can always count on this friend to help you get through the boring times.

The Party Animal

By chance, a terrific person to ask for cocktail suggestions…

This type of student owns the party guidebook to every bar and club in the area and, regardless of what time of the week it is, they are always the first one to begin the discussion whenever it comes to organising a night out.

Besides its sunglasses, head tilted, and delays to the 9 AM lesson the following morning, they are simple to recognize in class.

The “Red Bull and Chill” One

While possibilities for pleasure appear to come up as frequently in a student’s life as procrastination, there is always an individual who takes it to the next level.

The assigned deadline is in three hours. One day till the written exam, “Calm down, I’ll begin to work on it tonight,” “I will earn an A! No fears, multiple Red Bulls and just a one-nighter!”

Even the most composed individual will experience stress from these adrenaline junkies’ ability to perform the most incredible time-sensitive stunts.

Cool Chinese Man Drinking A Beer

The Multi-Tasker

This person does not have the difficulties that some people do in finding the ideal balance between studying, leading a healthy life, and participating in society.

Could you explain how the Multi-Tasker appears to be able to study, get eight hours of sleep each night, eat healthily, work out, learn three languages at once, attend every class, geta side job, and still somehow arrange to be a member of two student clubs?

The “Missing” Joe

This student, who stays undercover the entire course and only emerges just at the end of the term, is loyal to its placement on this list.

Although you are certain that someone whispered their name, you are unable to identify who it was. You can rely upon them to only expose their identity at the very end of term, whether it be in the written exam or perhaps the research group presentations!

You’ll just have to settle for seeing their photo in your Group chat till then.

If you weren’t able to discover a friend that matches the criteria, you are most likely one of them!

If you have been enrolled to a university, found these types of students but are still seeking for housing, contact the My Student Living team to help you!